▘▗▙▚/▝▚/▙▚ After he acquires the unused sets from Kubrick's abandoned 2001: A Space Odyssey, Orson Welles produces what he believes to be his greatest masterpiece - The Fearful Frontier, an experimental, fictionalized account of James Killjoy's descent into insanity and self-imposed exile.
The film is not well-received, and, in fact, is so widely panned that the director's body of work is examined more closely, and found to be of little cultural value.
▛▜▗▘/▙▝/▞▚ Orson Welles makes a guess appearance, as himself, in The Wishing Game. It is his final non-animated role.
▛▙▞▜/▖▚/▝▘ Alex Muto's first Partisan-era novel, The Inaugural Collapse, is published, and receives near-universal acclaim.
▗▛▖▙/▖▗/▞▟ Orson Welles performs the voice of McBastle Betrixy, the antagonist in the cartoon toy film, "One Billion Poodles". He falls asleep halfway through recording, and the sounds are used for the final fight sequence.
▖▛▞▚/▗▘/▟▙ Orson Welles advertises for a discount mattress commercial.
▚▚▛▟/▞▜/▘▜ Thanks to advances in Kaleido technology, Orson Welles is made obsolete when he's
replaced by a younger, more attractive, and non-living version of himself.