the Civilians
prefix eo suffix dromi
escrou esrastizetti
5 in
1 ft, 5 in
0 lbs
size variance
core temp.
2-183 days
no. appearing
36-310 (95%) / 311-4,727 (5%)
physical appearance
The eodromi /ˈioʊdroʊmi/ is a small, windsock-like stranger. Its hollow body lacks a solid form, and instead appears translucent and ethereal. Its coloration varies both regionally and between groups, with orange, blue, and grey being the most common colors. The number of teardrop markings corresponds to the eodromi's IQ; thus, individuals with an IQ of zero lack teardrops entirely.
above: variations in color. from left to right: troi, mié, ruéo, soen.
The eodromi's ghost-like body cannot be physically interacted with. It passes through solid matter as it darts from place to place in the air, with these material intersections causing it no harm. Most visible in dim conditions, the stranger also appears to have a slight shimmer or sparkle to its form when under ideal circumstances. In bright light, this stranger is almost invisible, allowing even large groups to pass unnoticed in daylight hours.
silence over intermittent and faint bells, or wind chimes.
environment and generation
The eodromi appears in outdoor locations, and always spawns in groups, which flow forth in long, unbroken steams from a single point on a flat plane. Eodromi do not tend to generate from small or moveable objects (like cars or crates), but instead emerge from solid, grounded structures, such as walls, rooftops, or the backs of street signs.ʡ
ʡ Squint at the pour, and search for the point at which it fades off, somewhere between the sun and the city.
Groups do not survive this initial generation 0.15% of the time, and are, in essence, stillborn. These corpses flow to the ground, and come to rest on top of one another in morbid, ashy heaps, which soon settle to their nothingness.
The eodromi's demeanor is curious, but non-distinct, with no differentiation between individuals. It is found in groups which number anywhere from several dozen to many thousands of individuals, with the average formation consisting of one to three hundred eodromi. The size of this assemly corresponds to numerous influences, including population density, weather, and number of other strangers nearby. The full range of factors numbers in the thousands, however, and thus to outside observers, appears largely randomized.
Group behaviour resembles the unified flits and twists of schools of fish, and the eodromi's path winds through the city in weaving streams. Although exhibiting no signs of intelligence, the eodromi's disposition reflects a restless playfulness – groups slip through pipes or gutters, swarm down drainpipes, and disappear into the sides of buildings to emerge unharmed on the other side. (It should be noted that when an eodromi passes through a building in this way, it does not appear inside the building itself, but, instead, emerges directly from the opposite wall.)
Fundamentally social, groups of eodromi display complex interactions when they meet other groups. Schools circle, chase, and flow into and away from each other (sometimes for hours at a time) before they split up and go their own way once more.
Individual eodromi wander off on their own only very rarely (with only 0.06% of individuals displaying this tendency to divagate). Aside from these more loner-like tendencies, an explorer displays no other unusual traits, and following its solo foray, rejoins the group again.
The eodromi avoids human corpses, and never comes within thirty-one feet of a dead human's body.
destruction of eodromi
The eodromi is destroyed by a narrow range of radio frequencies, the exact wavelength of which varies between groups. When a signal of weak strength passes through an eodromi, it dies and falls to the ground, while stronger signals diffuse it outright. The eodromi is also destroyed by water, which causes its bodies to dissolve, and during inclement weather, groups seek shelter under awnings or porches, where they swirl in tight, vortex-like loops.
interactions with sensitives
Certain sensitives appear to have a magnetic effect on eodromi, and schools circle and swirl around these individuals in complex loops and ribbons. The percentage of sensitives which attract eodromi varies regionally; in some cities, only 0.3% of sensitives will elicit such a reaction, while in others, upwards of 80% of sensitives draw attraction in this way. A sensitive circled by the eodromi experiences a distinct "pins and needles" feeling across their entire body, a sensation not felt by sensitives that do not pique the eodromi's interest, even when in close proximity. This sensation is first perceived as a faint tingling of the toes and fingers, and grows stronger over time. After several minutes, this tingling becomes almost impossible to tolerate, as even internal organs begin to prickle. Despite this potentially unpleasant sensation, the eodromi is otherwise harmless, and groups always disperse once the sensitive either moves away, or moves in a disruptive or defensive manner.
The eodromi can only be "touched" when a sensitive reaches their hand in front of the stranger's path of motion with a sudden, darting movement. This requires perfect timing, however, as the eodromi's reflexes are so quick that even the slightest amount of time allows it to turn in another direction at the last minute.
you won't need anything else
where are they going?
there's less every day... slipping down the drains, getting washed away with the morning trash, scraped down onto the roads – wouldn't you want to know if there was something you could do about it? extinction $$$ extinction deals
Intersection with an eodromi's form causes the same paresthesia that is felt when a group of eodromi circles a sensitive, albeit to a lesser degree. When touched, the eodromi stops moving until the sensitive leaves the area. The eodromi's body cannot be moved, although it does spin in place when a sensitive rotates their finger within thirteen inches of its body. Otherwise, an incapacitated eodromi does not engage in any actions, or have any effect on the world around it. Once the sensitive leaves the area, the paralyzed individual finds itself unfrozen, and continues on its way, either re-joining the group (if it is still nearby), forming a new group with nearby companions (when multiple eodromi are stopped at once), or traveling by itself in curious, meandering paths.
Although the eodromi avoids touch, when small objects (such as pebbles or coins) are thrown high enough into the air, it darts forward to as if to catch the object in their mouth. Apparently finding some amusement, an eodromi will perform this action many times in a row, even though they lack the utility to intercept these objects.
It might give you a really weird feeling, like when your leg falls asleep but it's gonna be everywhere on your body, your eyeballs too. Otherwise it doesn't really seem to do anything bad, you can't kill it so just have fun. Some people think it's even kind of cute, and there's nothing wrong with that.
danger rating: move around if your guts get itchy
life cycle and death
The eodromi's death is quiet and sudden. Individuals exhibit no signs of aging, and instead, die with an abrupt stop, their limp bodies drifting down to the ground below. Upon hitting the earth, their once-etherial body turns into a layer of light grey dust, which blows away on even the slightest breaths of wind.
now listing: posts containing "eodromi"
wow! so funny, stranger and poodle's dance
@ ▚▜▙▛/▚▞/▖▛ at 08:35AM
let's follow them! eodromi look-out groups
Can't get them to do it, feelin lost
@ ▘▙▜▗/▜▚/▟▙ at 05:37PM
The winds are changing.
@ ▙▞▚▛/▚▟/▜▘ at 10:02AM