Sandra Lang
amateur researcher
date registered
kinda recently
looking for
adventure companions, research partners, friends
area of expertise
exploration, investigation, research
relationship preferences
boys, girls
relationship status
I'm married to my studies!
zodiac sign
favorite stranger
about me
My name is Sandra Lang, and I'm here to find out the origins of the strangers!
what I'm doing with my life
I'm in college for psychology! I love to find out how people tick
the first thing people usually notice about me
My endless curiosity!
first sensitive experience
After I saw a school of eodromi disappear into a billboard, I read more about the stranger conspiracy online and realized I was a sensitive, too!
worst stranger experience
I saw the es and it got away!
what's something most people don't know about you
I'm secretly a dragon. Rawrrrr

active listings
Need Access to Sunbridge Tower Bank (to study the nondrome)
listed on ▛▗▙▚/▙▗/▝▟ at 06:22PM

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