▙▚▖ ▘▝▗▗▖▝ ▙▙▘▙▙
▘▜▚▜ ▜▚▛▟▟▛ ▚▟▘▙▜▗ ▖▖ with dozens of plot threads and ▜▙▙▝▜▘ hundreds of issues ▛▟ ▛▙ ▖▗▛▞▙ ▜▙▙▝▘▟ ▛▜▘▘▙▞ ▟▝ and the story threads mingled freely ▝▘▟ ▛▛▟▞▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▜▙▙▜▘ with the exciting "light vs. dark" showdown (pictured to the right) helping paint a vivid picture of a ▝▞ ▚▗▝▞▝ world torn apart by conflicting forces of ▛▙ ▖▗▛▞▙ ▜▙▙▝▘▟▛▟▞▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞
▚▟▜▗▚▖ ▞▞▙▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▝▖▞ when the connections ▚▙▟ ▞▞▘▖▝▛▜▝▞ ▚▗▝▞▝▗ ▞▗▘▙ ▞▝▞▝ ▟▜▗▚▖▗ ▞▗▞▛ ▚▚▟ were revealed ▖▝▙▚▛▜ ▖▙ ▙ ▛▚▜ ▟▝▛▜ ▝▞ ▚▗▝▞▝▗ ▞▗▟▝▟▝▛▜ ▝▞ ▚▙▘ ▚▟▞▝▖ ▚▚▜ we were already ▜▝ ▜▚▚▞▚▟ ▜▞▙▚ ▛▟▞▝▝▙▚▙▘ ▝▝▙ swept up in it ▚▟▞▝▖▚ ▟▜▗▚▖ ▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▞▝▟▖▟▚▛
and there's more to come.
▟▙▟▜▝▙ ▟▙▟▜▝▙ ▙▙▗▜▚▜ ▟▙▟▜▝▙ ▙▙▗▜▚▜ ▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▞▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▞▙▙▗▜▚▜ ▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▞▟▙▟▜▝▙ ▙▙▗▙ ▙▙▗▜▚▜ ▟▙▟▜▝▙ ▙▙▗▜▚▜ ▝▟▖▜▚▜ ▝▟▖▟▚▛▗▗▖▝ ▙▙▘▙▙▙ ▞▛▙▞▛▚▟ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▞
▜▝▙▚▙▘ ▚▟▞▝▖▚ ▟▜▗▖▚ ▟▜▗▗▗