▖▗▞ ▟▗▜▝ ▗▜▖▚ ▘▖▗▞ ▟▗▖▗▞ ▟▗▞ ▟▗▜▝ ▗▜▖▚ ▘▖▗▞ ▟▗▖▗▞▞ ▟▗▜▝ ▗▜▖▚ ▘▖▗▞ ▟▗▖▗▞
▜▝▜ ▜▜▗▜ ▛▛▙▛ ▟▟▛▘ ▜▚▗▙ ▜▚▗▜ ▛▛▘▛ ▞▟▜▗ ▗▗▙▚▜ ▜▜▗▜ ▛▛▙▛ ▟▟▛▘ ▜▚▗▙ ▜▚▗▜ ▛▛▘▛ ▞▟▜▗
▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▞▖▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▞▖▖▟ ▞▜▛▘▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▜▛▘ ▚▞▖▖▟ ▞▜▛▘▖▟ ▞▜▚ ▗▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▞▖▖▗▘▞▝▟ ▞▜▛▘ ▚▜▚ ▗▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▞▛▘ ▚▜▚▖▖▟ ▞▜ ▗▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▗▘▞▝▗▘▞▝▟▖▚ ▞▖▖▟ ▞▜▛▘ ▚▜▚ ▗▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▞▖▖▟ ▞▜▛▘ ▚▜▚ ▗▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▘▞▝▝▛ ▝▟▖▚ ▞▖▖▟ ▞▜▛▘▚▗▘▞▝ ▞▖▖▟ ▞▜▛▘ ▚▜▚ ▗▘▞▝
don't do it yourself... now, you don't need to.
▝▛ ▘▞ ▜▜ ▟▙ ▟▟ ▟▞▚▚ ▝ ▟▙▟▟ ▟▞▚▚ ▝▘▞ ▜▜ ▟▙ ▟▟ ▟▞▚▚ ▝ ▟▙▟▟ ▟▞▚▚ ▝▘▞ ▜▜ ▟▙ ▟▟ ▟▞▚▚ ▝ ▟▙▟▟ ▟▞▚▚ ▝
▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▙▜▞ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝▝
▟ ▙▙▛▚ ▛▚▟▝▛▚
how do you still ▗▘▚▙▜▞▗▘▚▙▜▞ get hot for it all
▝▟ ▛▘▗▙ ▝▘▜▚ ▜▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚ ▗▟▚▗▛▚▛▚
▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▛▚
▝▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚
▝▟ ▛▘▗▙ ▝▘▜▚ ▜▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▙▜▞ ▝▟ ▛▘▙▜▞ ▗▖ ▞▖▗▙ ▝▘▜▚ ▜▜▘▖▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▜▘▖ ▟ ▛▘▗▙ ▝▘▜▚ ▜▜▘▖▘▞▜▙ ▝▗▖▚ ▟▟▚▗ ▛▖▙▜ ▜▘▝ ▙▟ ▛▘▗▙ ▝▘▜▚ ▜▜▘▖ ▙▙▜▞ ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚
when it's never enough?
▚▙▚ ▝▖▜▚ ▘▘▞▛ ▘▝▙▙ ▜▞▙▝▛▜▗▚ ▚▚▙▚ ▝▖▜▚ ▘▘▞▛ ▘▝▙▙ ▜▞▙▛ ▘▞▜▜ ▟▙▟▟ ▟▞▚▚▚▚▙▚ ▝▖▜▚ ▘▘▞▛ ▘▝▙▙
...or can you still fall into this?
By the end of it... it was all that ▘▗▝ ▜▘▗▝ ▜ could talk about. In terms of products, in terms of media, in terms of conversation... it was the only thing that was ▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚ coming out.
Would you say it was a problem?
No... I wouldn't say at all that ▘▛▖▘▗▝ ▜ it was a problem. It worked, in a way ▚▟▛▖▘▗ ▘▝ ▜▞ since the audience just wanted to see bad things happen. They wanted to see the worst things happen to ▝▟▞ ▗▘▜▜ ▞▗▘ and it struck a nerve, very effectively, with what their intentions.
the subject looks away, but can't hide his ▟▚▗ ▛▚▟▝ ▗▘▚▗ ▟▙ obvious melancholy.
▗▚▟ ▜▚▟ ▜▚▝▝ ▚▛▞▞ ▜▝▚▜▚▛▚▝▝ ▚▛▞▞ ▜▝▚▜▚▛▞▞
return to Goodbye Strangers