...now introducing, a new and fabulous way to enjoy the four ▛▞▜ ▘▚▟▞ ▙▟▝▞ ▞▜▛▛ ▚▛▜▝▘▚▛ ▗▚▞ ▜▘▟▟ ▗▖▟▜▟▝▜▖▘▗▜▝▜ ▙▞▞▞
If you want... you can have all four.
This "Black Death" infestation many hundreds of years earlier, though cataclysmic
in its own right, never progressed past these first four strains.
▞▞▜▜▚▚▜ ▞▛▟▖▘ ▖▖▞▜▟▜▞▚▗ ▘▜▚▖ ▖▜▛▟▚▜▖▝▟▜▜▘ ▖▖▗▚▞▚ ▗▝▙▗▚▝▟▞ ▟▗▗▘▝▛▚ ▞▜▝▙ ▙▟▛▖▝▙ ▚▜▚▘▛ ▘▘▗▘▝▖▟▘▜ ▙▛▞▚▚▙ ▘ ▚▙ ▘▘▞▞▜ ▞▛▗▙
▜▜▖ ▞▙▝▖▙▝▖▙▟▞▖▜ ▜▖▞▙ ▝▝▖▙▖▜ ▜▖▝▖▙▟ ▞▖▜ ▜▖▞▙▝
▛▜▜ ▜▞▝▖▝▙▚▜ ▝▖▖▛ ▗▜▙ ▟▖▝▜▗▗▞▛▚ ▟▗▛▖▟▚▛ ▙▟▟▖▛ ▜▗▜▞ ▞▜▞ ▞▞▝▘ ▘▜▙▜▘ ▟▛▙▙▗▛▘▖▜▚▝▖▜▚▖ ▙▚▜▜▟▗▝ ▝▘▜ ▜▛▙▖▞▝▘ ▘▜▙▜▘▛ ▙▟▟▖▛ ▜▗▜▞ ▞▜▞ ▞▞▝▘ ▘▜▙▜▘ ▟▛▙▙▗▛▘▖▜▚▝▖▜▚▖ ▙▚▜▜▟▗▝ ▝▘▜ ▜▛▙▖▞▝▘ ▘▜▙▜▘ ▟▛▙▙▗▛▘▖▜▚▝▖▜▚▖ ▙▚▜▜▟▗▝ ▝▘▜ ▜▛▙▖▞▛ ▙▗▟▝▝▟▙▗▙▘▘▗▟▖▞▜▞▜▝▛▖▞
▖▛▜▗▜▞▞ ▞▝▘▘ ▜▙▜▘ ▙ ▙▚▜ ▜▜ ▟▞▞ ▗▝▛▙▙▚▜▜▜▟ ▞▞▗▝▛▞ ▗▝▛▙▙▞ ▗▝▛▙▙▞ ▗▝▛▙▙▟ ▙▛▚▝▜▚▚▗▝▚▙▞▗▚▝
▟▞▖▜▜ ▖▞▙▝▖▙▟▞ ▖ ▖▜▜ ▖▜▜ ▖▜▜ ▜▜▖ ▞▙▝▖▙▝▖▙▟▞▖▜ ▜▖▞▙▝▝▖▙▝▖▙▟▞▖▜ ▜▖▞▙▝
▜▗▗▞▛ ▚ ▟▗▛ ▖▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜ ▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜▗▜▞ ▞▞▝▟▖▛ ▜▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜▟▚▛ ▙▟ ▟▖▛ ▜▗▜▞ ▞▞▝
above: illustrative art from 2009. originally released as a pair of postcards.
We'd like to confess that we yearn day and night for a chance to caress the long hands that undress ▙▝▞▚▛▘▝▛▗▟ ▚▘▛▟▖▟▜▝▖ and suppress them completely ▖▚▞▟▜ ▙▙▗▖▝▘▜▖▞ ▖▖▜▚▛▗▟▗▘ degrade all you touch ▝▖▙▚▝▘▙▟ and transgress all our laws, and impress us with how you lay bare all our flaws. We're yours as you please, we implore you outright, with delight ▖▚▞▟▜▙ ▟▟▗▘▜▖▞▖▖▜ ▚▛▗▟▗▘, we've laid down our ▟▟▗▙▙▞▙▙▙▙ abandoned our morals, so make us your puppets; we'll greet you with laurels.
How and why did you choose condroni and ladroni as the first two strangers required for infestation?
The ladroni and condroni were the first two strangers that I created; originally they acted as more of a symbiotic pair, with the ladroni being directly puppeted by the condroni. As time passed, the number of strangers grew, and this concept faded; the condroni and ladroni continued to keep their position as the "big two", however. I think that the contrast makes it compelling; in the air vs. underground, structure vs. decay and corruption, signal vs. noise.
But that is not all that is happening. They crawl on the edges of the oil-soaked dirt. They grab the trees whose burnt trunks feel like sandpaper. They cannot help but look up, aghast, at those cities. The head-less realm where even the "messiahs" live surrounded by ▜▝▟▝▟▘▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▜ ▛ ▜▝▟ ▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜ "dream machines", born into a sick page in history.
have you already seen?
learn about them quickly
they're described in a cute way
do you like playing cards?
▙▞▙▞ ▛▟ ▜▝ ▟▘▝ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▖▜▟▝▘▟▜▛ ▞▚▛▝ ▝▘▟▜▛ ▞▚▝▘▟▜▛ ▞▚ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▝▟▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▖▜▟▝▘▝▖▜▛▝ ▝▘▟▜
▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▜ ▛ ▜▝▟ ▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▜ ▛ ▜▝▟ ▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▜ ▛ ▜▝▟ ▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▝▖▜ ▛▟ ▜▝▟▘▖▜ ▛ ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜
In that ▜▖▞▖▖▜ ▜▖▞▖▖▜ expanding era, psychics are used in these ▟▟▟▟ ▟▟ machines that will auto-generate things based on their brain and ▜▛ ▞▚▛▝ ▝▘▟▜▛ ▞▚▝▘▟ wavelengths. ▟▟▗▖▜ and once they become ▜▝▟▘▝▖▜ increased to such a level, you'll see manifestations, manifestations of ▝▟▘▝▖▜ ▛▜ ▛ ways that the average person can interact with them, and this is how their personalities show themselves. It's not that they are smarter or less smart than any other human beings; rather that they exist on such a different plane of experience, and that makes it ▞▟▜▙ ▟▟▗▘▜▛▗▟▗ hard to interact.
return to goodbye strangers