The boguldromi /ˈboʊɡʌldroʊmi/ is a dull-colored, weighty, six or eight-limbed stranger with clock-like eye markings. There is a noted artificiality to its composition, as its thick, leathery skin feels like hard rubber,Ⴚ and the flesh is dull and slimy, though neither oily, nor fatty. Its body cavity is filled with a spongy, grey foam.ʮ The stranger is not able to open its mouth, though it possesses a tongueless oral cavity lined with small, sharp teeth. Eye markings vary between individuals, with no two individuals possessing identical markings. Numeral forms do not present on these markings, although clock hands are typical.
Ⴚ It's not like animal skin.
ʮ Like whatever's inside of a couch, I smells like burning copper when you touch it.
Although its form conveys both mass and density, the boguldromi is unaffected by gravity, and levitates eight to twenty inches from the ground at all times. The stranger's arms and legs are small in comparison to its bulky body, and as they are not required for locomotion, typically remain tucked to the sidesβ as the boguldromi drifts.
β Reaching down enough to shift its course – but not often.
It takes several months to heal from injuries (with 10% of individuals exhibiting a lack of regenerative ability). Dark scarring remains unmistakeable long after wounds finally heal.
a shaking vibration that only lengthens and deepens.
The boguldromi appears only in locations with minimal human presence. It prefers underground environments, such as abandoned subway, mining, and rail tunnels, as well as certain subterranean storage, electrical, or water facilities. The boguldromi always avoids sunlight, and never generates outdoors. When it first appears, it starts off as a blurry and indiscernible visual distortion, and grows more solid over a span of 24 hours.
Exactly one hundred boguldromi exist at any given time, and as soon as one dies, another appears someplace else. The boguldromi never appears in close proximity to another boguldromi, although a single city may be home to more than one boguldromi at a time, and avoidant behaviour is not strong.
above: dating back to August 2009, an early concept illustration of the boguldromi.
The boguldromi's disposition is emotionless and intent. It keeps a large territory, within which it floats forward at a slow and steady pace. Always on the move, it stays within a confined space only when no suitable exits exist. Through its spacious routes, it drifts with a long, slow shudder, like the unseen weight of a distant subway car.Ӌ
Ӌ The water rippled, the pebbles shook, and through the columns, the train passed through.
Zenno Harukatzi, Branches In The Room.
As it roams, the boguldromi seeks out analog clocks – from small wristwatches and stopwatches, to prominent, public chronometers. It also moves towards any non-clock item that makes a ticking sound, such as stopwatches or metronomes, as well as recordings of clock sounds. When it finds a clock, it grips it with its forelimbs and attempts to expose the inner workings. When able, it takes these clocks apart gear-by-gear, and leaves the inner components on the ground in complex, ordered formations. While it is not destructive in these motions, it does not appear to gain any particular joy or fascination from these actions, either.Ɣ
Ɣ They all feel like they "have" to do these things...but some of them feel like they really "have to" do them, you know?
The boguldromi sometimes approaches pictures of clocks, toy clocks, or other objects which visually resemble clocks. Once it gets close enough to realize that the object is a "fake," however, it loses interest and moves on.
When the boguldromi handles clocks, it also generates clock components inside of its body. These components start off as small metal slivers and beads, which twist, elongate, and split apart to form the individual wheels, springs, and arms of a clock's inner workings. Younger boguldromi contain a jumble of these small parts, often arranged in a tight formation that loosely resembles a human heart in shape and size. As the boguldromi ages, these individual parts continue to multiply and shift position, and the heart-like cluster breaks apart, allowing components to spread themselves evenly throughout the boguldromi's flesh.
Pieces have a tendency to grow against one another, these "arteries" slicing and carving the stringy, membranous inner flesh as the boguldromi shifts. The stranger itself displays no emotional reaction to this process, and remains either unpained or unfazed by the assemblies within it. Over a long enough time, these individual components fit together to form a clock's complex inner workings with perfect accuracy. Upon assembly, 55% of internal clocks begin to tick and turn, and a full-grown boguldromi may contain hundreds of these clocks, each one different from the last, but all jumbled together into an interlocking and operational system that fills the entirety of the boguldromi's body cavity.Ҵ
Ҵ I stood within the labyrinth; it wished to cut my hands to ribbons.
Baz Ganges, Twenty-Four Mazes and their Minotaurs.
Most attraction to sensitives is incidental, for although the boguldromi follows individuals who carry wrist or pocket watches, it loses all interest in the sensitive once the object itself is obtained.
Although the boguldromi displays no interest in sensitives in and of themselves, its focus becomes drawn towards any sensitive that clicks, taps their fingers, or hums at one-second intervals. The criterion for rhythmic sounds seems somewhat broad – even footsteps can be enough to attract its attention. The boguldromi continues to follow the sensitive even if the attracting sound ceases or loses its rhythm, and gives up only once its target is out of visualႳ range; as such, sensitive can hide behind even a nearby a dumpster or wall partition to avoid pursuit.
Ⴓ As long as they can't see you, right? That's when it'll stop...when no one's looking at it.
Despite the boguldromi's slow speed and the ease with which it can be avoided, this stranger's trailing can nonetheless prove dangerous for many sensitives. Although the boguldromi can easily be outrun or avoided in theory – and, at a distance, may be evaded with little difficulty – the closer one gets to the stranger's body, the more difficult it is to escape, as proximity to the boguldromi slows the perception of time.Ⴖ Although this effect is barely noticeable at a distance of one hundred feet or more, at close range, the shift in temporal perception is so great that a single second can seem to last for an hour or more.
Ⴖ The ones with more clock parts inside seem to slow you down more.
As the effect of the boguldromi's time dilation increases, so too does the effort required for each individual step. At such a dilated speed, running from the boguldromi at close proximity requires hours – if not days – of constant focus and exertion on the part of the sensitive to control their motions. If the sensitive trips or stumbles, recovery can often prove impossible.
yes, it can still happen
extended edition, new versions, box sets,
10-disc director's cut that runs for over seven hours, with never-before-seen-footage, ¦n §A Ó up from the cutting room floor after decades of degradation, and with a three-for-one deal you can only buy when you » Ãä³
want to make your highs last ...
... a little longer?
really...? that can't be right... ten non-stop hours of pure pleasure?
Once it is close enough, the boguldromi disassembles the sensitive with slow deliberation, taking them apart with the same meticulous attention that it displays towards clocks. The gears within the boguldromi turn at a strained rate as it does so, filling the air with a low grinding sound, its hapless victim left to struggle in slow silence.Ƭ The piece-by-piece process by which the boguldromi takes the sensitives apart often seems to take weeks𐐦 (but, in reality, usually takes less than 25 minutes). Remaining emotionless, the boguldromi pulls off fingernails (places them to the side), peels off skin (and folds it in a neat stack), removes teeth one-by-one, and finally, yanks out the individual muscles, bones, and organs, starting from smallest-to-largest. It always takes the sensitive's body apart into the smallest components possible, and arranges them in the same careful, ordered way as one of its disassembled clocks before it continues on its way. Although a sensitive can hypothetically fight back against such anatomization, the boguldromi's great strength presents further obstacle to any sort of escape.
Ƭ The grind is too deep to really hear, when it's that slow.
𐐦 everyone knows that nothing is forever.
you might be able to make it feel nice.
We know you're out there, thinking it's fun - tapping, letting it come up to you, feeling time slow down - well guess what, if you fall flat on your face, which a bunch of you will, it won't be a "bogulhigh" any more because not only will it take you apart piece by piece, but it's gonna feel like it's lasting for weeks! They call that the "living hell dissection" for a reason and it's hard not to get freaked out just thinking about this gruesome way to die! Hope that's enough to get you to take it seriously, kids!
danger rating: kills you for a really long time
missing out on the good stuff
[ ▜▜▝▝/▝▗/▖▝ | 07:40PM ]
sooo i gotta say, it's bogus as fuqq when the other sensitives talk about all these crazy cool effects they get from some of the strangers. cuz they sound really good!!! EXCEPT if you're a dissembler, you're all dulled over for that stuff too!! like maybe i wanna see extra colors and see mirrored cities in the sky and stuff? and yeah, I get it... i know there's some bad ones too. which is why they still want me to go in there and fix their problems!
Like. Chuck wanted me to move a boguldromi this one time. and it was like. omg. does he even know how big that is...? w/e i ended up being incredibly hungover around that time of my life so it wasn't a thing that happened. BUT Valeks went and so what i heard was that he just sat on the head and watched while Chuck climbed around and wrestled on it, and I guess at the end Chuck whacked it with a sledghammer like a billion times and shouted "REVENGE! he was acting out a movie scene.? idk mannnn lotta fuckn weirdos in this city.
When two boguldromi meet, they each produce a deep, bellowing tone. This tone grows louder in volume the closer they are to one another, with physical contact causing a sound loud enough to cause structural damage to the surrounding area. Otherwise, the boguldromi does not display much interest in others of its strain, and exhibits no social behaviours.
this is what you need to do
they were your friends...
find out what's inside, we capture every second on our security cameras, footage you can sell...! you don't have to let it be in vain... you can "raise charity" and make sure it doesn't happen again, by profitting off of this horrific violence »
$$$ smart watches, wristwatches, stopwatches, tiny clocks, alarms
novelty clocks, melting clocks, alarm clocks, pocket watches, "watchez", double-watches, grandfather clocks, cuckoo clocks, sundials, get rid of them all today! don't you want to find out what you can do? as you're counting down the hours and every | ¤F ¡y second, we'll come back to you, and it won't ever stop... C ¡z ©O ¡C ¤£ ¹L until it »
At the end of its life, the boguldromi loses its buoyancy and drifts to the ground, making no further attempts at locomotion. It remains unmoving as, over a period of exactly twenty-four hours, small holes appear in the skin. These holes expand in size and eat through the stranger's inner flesh, leaving nothing behind save for the inner components, which act as bizarre monuments in absence of a corpse.