The nudromi /nuːˈdɹəʊmi/ resembles a small round pill that lacks any features, save for its stripes and eye markings. It comes in many colors, which vary regionally; size, as well, can vary greatly by both area ... and within a colony (although to a lesser extent). Its surface is hard and plasticine, and resists breaking, ... its inner substance contains ... a glistening, sludgy silver alloy. The sensation ... of electricity, and a pulse outward of this same ... energy, strong enough to burst a battery in the beginning of the nudromi's life cycle.
Colonies of nudromi appear in outdoor environment, spawned in areas frequented by sensitives. A well-used alleyway path or a street traveled daily might spawn ... . clusters of nudromi, which grow from beads within the air. This formation is as silent as the rest of their lives .. .
.. their existence serving to enable and enhance .. outlier strains within varying numerical ranges. When they appear .. in these regions, they are initially highly charged with electricity from within, and deliver an electric shock to any living creature that comes near them. But, ... . ... . .. batteries, they eventually drain (becoming more hollow inside with each burst of electricity), and cannot ... recharge.
Nudromi do not move, except for a quivering rattle on very windy days.
... indifferent. Smaller nudromi deliver many smaller shocks,Ᏼ while larger nudromi deliver only a few very large ones ... large enough to stop the heart.ថ
Ᏼ "I once dragged my socked feet across carpet as I walked wall-to-wall; upon touching a doorknob, the static electricity shocked my fingertips but left no sting." †Vaughn, Vannus
ថ "She collapsed to the ground. Another one gone! Another one down! The crowds went wild." †Navier
.. .. ... ... .. .. collapsing, emptied in full, ... ... when it dies.