the Recluses
prefix can suffix droni
gendilii manifus
1 ft, 9 in
7 ft, 7 in
44 lbs
size variance
core temp.
3-7 weeks
no. appearing
1 (94%) / 2-4 (6%)
physical appearance
The candroni /ˈkændroʊni/ is a rotund, small-limbed stranger with a body composed of a wax that ranges from white, to pale orange. This warm, semi-solid material drips continuously in small trickles, but with no overall loss in mass despite the perpetual melt. The candroni's claws and eye markings are made of a hard, plasticine substance that does not melt. The stranger possesses no internal organs to speak of, and is odorless beyond the faint smell of burnt cheap candles, and only when sniffed at very close range.
waxtone variations
1. zalenhov / 2. eritrusian / 3. tennant / 4. ponebase / 5. ceroslone / 6. ferric
The fluid body regenerates from injuries within seconds to minutes. Its waxy consistency, however, leaves it vulnerable to changes in temperature, and cold conditions cause it to freeze solid and break apart, while high enough heat levels cause it to melt completely. As such, the strain prefers temperatures of between 50 and 65°F.
no one knows this except you
wax candles, novelty candles, discounted wax
decorative, fire insurance malpractice no liability!
hmmm, just what else can you hide inside your basement? no one's really looking that hard, but they might not be able to believe ...
The candroni speaks through a high-pitched, child-like voice, and its language varies to match the region.
Hello, hi! Hi...hi.
environment and generation
The candroni appears in residential basements and side buildings. It is most prevalent in musty, earthy locations, such as dirt-floored wine cellars, secluded sheds, and dreary garages. Dark lighting, cool temperatures, and lack of upkeep all contribute to a candroni infestation.
All the straw on the basement floor had been scattered around. And, the mice lay on their sides with their mouths waxed over.
Alex Muto, The Comedy Committee.
When it first appears, the candroni starts off as a small, hot globule of wax, which bubbles and rises over several hours to form the stranger's body. During formation, the surface remains hot and volatile, sometimes taking several days to cool down enough to retain its shape and move around. Only 57% of candroni survive the generation process, as many individuals either chill suddenly, and to the point of fatal solidification, or remain too hot, and melt away altogether.
The candroni's demeanor is careful, shy, and child-like in nature. It holds its tail upright as it moves with cautious steps, and flicks its tail-tip in response to changes within its environment, as would a skittish cat. For the most part, it engages in a limited range of quiet behaviours. It stares at interesting shapes on the wall, strokes the floor beneath it, or climbs on top of crates or tables. It grows more active in warmer temperatures, and sighs with wistful annoyance when cold air causes its body to harden, but displays only infrequent reactions to environmental changes.
why, is there something we should be concerned about?
It appears to involuntarily repeat short phrases that it overhears.
a "Seems like it's, that's what it seems?"
b "Another bad reminder that won't pay their rent..."
c "What else can you hide?"
d "Like the number five?"
interactions with sensitives
When a candroni encounters a sensitive, it says "hi," "hello," or some other similarly friendly greeting in an excitable, upbeat tone. It repeats this exclamation several times, each time with optimism in its voice. Despite this greeting, however, the candroni retains its fundamental timidity. It never approaches a sensitive, choosing instead to hide and peek out from behind shelves, over boxes, or around corners. It always covers its face when directly looked at.
The candroni repeats lines of greetings when approached – a response that can be thought of more as a defensive mechanism than any attempt at social behaviour. When touched by a sensitive, the candroni grows jittery and quietly distressed, and melts more rapidly at the point of contact, but does not display any aggressive behaviour, even when directly attacked.
Certain candroni, when touched, display a growth of wax which swells outward from the point of contact to spread across the sensitive's skin. While this could prove theoretically lethal should the wax enter the mouth and throat, this process is easily discontinued once the sensitive ceases physical contact, the weak extension broken off.
attraction to candles and fire
The stranger is drawn to candles, and, upon finding one, picks it up and presses it into its body through its forehead. It appears to select these candles based upon appearance, and not material, and thus candles shaped like figures, triangles, or other non-cylindrical forms are often ignored. Similarly, the stranger shakes its head back and forth when it attempts to absorb a fake candle (such as a plastic holiday ornament or LED candle), and, after tossing it rudely to the floor, eyes the object with suspicion for some time before it moves away.
Two big blue ones shaped like the number five. A decorative one shaped like a wizard. A pyramid-shaped one (the tip burnt off) with three wicks.
In addition to its attraction to candles, the candroni also seeks out fire, and will even overcome its otherwise all-encompassing meekness to approach a sensitive carrying a lit match, candle, or torch. It displays curiosity as its body melts away in the heat, and continues to reach forward – first with its fingers, then with its wrist, and then with its shoulder, letting out quiet "ooh" and "aah" sounds as more and more of its body dissolves away. A candroni left to its own devices ignores all other stimuli, and allows its entire body to melt down in this way.
interactions with other candroni
Just as the candroni is suspicious of sensitives, so too does it display this same wariness towards others of its strain. As such, it does not form groups. When two candroni do appear within the same closed space, such as a locked basement, it is not uncommon to see them each in hiding at opposite ends of the room, peeking out at each other only in slow and nervous glances, and never retreating from these hideaways.
"You're not really my friend, are you? I can't trust might hurt me." That's what it seems like it's saying...right?
aging and death
At the end of its life, the candroni cools down, hardens, and crumbles apart, leaving its corpse behind as a pile of wax. Over the course of several weeks, these wax chunks transform into a crystalline material, before they break apart into a fine, light-colored sand. Other candroni breathe a sigh of relief when a companion dies, and they are once again free to wander, no longer hindered by the gravity of prying eyes.
high levels of cuteness
feels weird to have wax growing all over you, wtf is that even about
just because you can melt one with your lighter, it doesn't mean you should