never miss another secret
unless you can stomach the bargains??? now it can be "LEGAL", just for you...
$$ $ $ $ $$$ $$$ $ EZ EZ $$$
is it for real ??? where is it going?
wait! new studies show that you're losing ... THOUSANDS in your SLEEP! IT COULD BE HAPPENING TO YOU RIGHT NOW ... .. .. .. zzz $$ so what are you prepared to do??

Unknown effects, difficult location
Teletroni Sample Needed - Laminates Incquire
I am in need of a laminate to acquire a sample of this specimen. Appears safe, but this strain is little known and may have unknown delitrious effects. Experienced collectors preferred. Payment upon delivery. I cannot accompany you. Pay is per gram. Double pay if this can be done within the next 3 days. It is located within the guard tower of Entero Prison. - O. North
listed on ▞▝▛▟/▘▚/▘▗ at 06:34PM
this stranger possesses a disposition.

this could be you, getting money while you dream !!!
wow, dont throw it away on ¡ ¤¶ ²Ð 100% "LEGAL" FAKE $$$ could be a wonderful opportunity NOW !!!!! dont wait, getting ... money while you dream?? ...
"embarrassing" details on your...apartment layout??
that's a really tacky COUCH, but is there a new government grant process that's right for you?©
» taxes for fun!! what if we wanted to tempt you with ...extra spreadsheets??