here's how to stay entranced
ghosts... they're actually there, in the air right now?
you might not be able to eat them, but there's now a great new way to consume our phenomenal friends, that way it's perfectly normal when you start to enjoy the way it feels when we -
can't find the way out?
«e £¸ªº ¤ "the way out...of what?", you might ask? yes... that's more like it! doors can be very, very scary, can you really trust an "escape"? »¡ §
dazzled by it all ... !!? »ò¤§
It's so much to take in... ¤v ¤§ and a place where there's no need to worry about broken hearts or bad memories! that sounds like a dream come true ... staying trapped inside of a maze forever ... ¿Ë ¤
it shouldn't be this way...
but you can always do it in your mind, you know. and that's not going to stop our government from putting a tax on these thoughts, when they're so desperate to put a limit on your freedom! ³³³Å¥¦³ ­Ó ¦W¤ Ö¥¤
Wow! They totally thought they were
talking to a stranger
...loved doing that
They'll probably forget all about this whole world
...mmmm, uh-huh...
...ohhh. that's so much better.
oops! maybe you should just pretend you never saw this
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