the yearly extinction survey results have been announced
This year, the number of remaining animal species has once again been carved in half, leaving plenty of room for the paving of new ...
in new president's first six months, human rights violations decrease by 23%
But, experts with prescription glasses warn: don't get your hopes up just yet for any meaningful ...
▜▜▛▞▟▜ this new generation of sensitive hunters in high boots, modified new-army uniforms with pneumotubes, suction and ▛▚▟▞▞ ▙▘▞▞▟▘▗▜▖▜▚▖▛▞▗ tanks of cyanide-psycholium and shock sticks. Tight against the palm of the hand, gloved and without restraint.
what do you want to feel?
What have you been forced to watch???
Stop television crimes! That was a virtual show, that was a counterfeit news show, bogus waves, exciting simulated reality!
styrofoam home-medic-halls?? you can own a STYROFOAM home medic hall styrofome styrophome styrofoame blotchman's CU®E instant CURË
▝ ▗ ▘▝ ▖▗ ▘▟▜▛▜▘▗ ▙▘▞▞▝ ▝ ▛▖▛▜▜▝ ▚▗ ▙▗ ▗ ▜▖▚▘▖▟▖▙▛▚▜▘▜▚▜▞▛▞▝ ▛▝ ▜▜▟▙▛▙▜▗ ▝ ▟▞▛▟▚▛▜▖▝ ▟▝ ▚▛▝ ▝ ▟▜▗ ▟▗ ▗ ▜▟▙▞▟▟▙▞▚▟▖▖▛▚▙▚▟▜▗ ▚▛▝ ▚▚▟▟▟▝ ▝ ▝ ▖▙▞▛▗ ▞▛▜▛▛▞▘▗ ▜▚▟▜▝ ▛▙▙▝ ▟▗ ▞▗ ▗ ▘▙▜▝ ▟▙▟▞▖▞▛▚▖▜▟▘▟▝ ▟▙▚▝ ▘▙▙▖▝ ▗ ▟▗ ▙▛▛▖▞▚▗ ▛▗ ▛▛▗ ▙▗ ▗ ▘▟▟▚▝ ▖▜▟▜▘▞▛▜▙▝ ▚▛▜▚▟▚▘▟
Once they realize what is going on with extractions, they decide ▝ ▛▝ ▗ ▖▞▞▟ to let them torment their captives in all kinds of sadistic ways. For the new industry, all of them are either "private" or ▛▞▟▜▙▚▗ ▛▞▛▘▟ to mean that whether it's a small useless one, or one that can be a weapon. What that also means is that there are illegal ones, but there are still enough ▘▖▖▟▟▞▚▝ ▛▝ ▗ ▖▞▞▟▟▚▗ ▖▞▜▛▜▙▗ ▜▖▘▝ ▗ ▟▗ ▚▙▟▙▙▜▜▝ ▜▚▟▚▚▗ ▝ ▝ ▞▖▛▘▘▖▘▟▙▚▞▖▝ ▗ ▙▞▚▛▟▜▜ that "anyone can get one of their own", and this is when they really break into the mainstream.
The cities lit up at night with the way that they pulled them up. We weren't allowed to see the bodies. We couldn't get near them, the bodies weren't exposed yet. But we were excited.
Disoriented and dazed in deformed new half-fictions.
Neuro-cholera vaccine banned under international shopping guidelines
"That's going to really change how we might have to handle the next wave of bioweapon imports," admits the candidate ...
Mattress camp settlements now overtake cities in population
But what other drastic measures can we take?
return to Goodbye Strangers