▖▙▝ ▛▗ ▝ ▟▘▖▚▝ ▗ ▙▟▟▚▛▖▞▙
Most people don't own them. When you want to visit, you go to a place where you rent a room. These rooms aren't attached to nightclubs because they need way too much space behind the scenes, and all of the ambient effects from the club would affect the way that the rooms work. But they tend to be in the same districts...they're often pretty far underground.
Some people become addicted... and agree to become research subjects in return for allowing their brains to be used for information mining. (In reality, they're also looking into your brainwaves to determine whether or not someone might be a psychic... and then taking some of your brainwave information as well and putting them into a database along with the measured blue hell or red hell frequencies.)
But the strangers... out of sight, out of mind. It would seem kind of wrong to have the stranger in the same room as the kaleido-machine. You would want to believe that it couldn't be tampered with. You would want to believe that you would not be able to stick a knife into it and give yourself a seizure, nor that anyone else could come inside and do that to you.
Despite the chaos, there was some kind of shape coming together, and events were happening were at a larger and larger scale. There were people who were doing all kinds of sick research...
an even better thrill? find out.
This isn't what you want, you try to say. But somehow you're always back in that ▚▛ ▘▟▜▘▙▟ booth. And you might as well. It's a habit... ▖▙▛▟▜ ▘▝▛▚▞▖ ▜▝▝▟▗▗ ▘▙▚▞▟▟▛▝▛▛ ▟▞▚▖▘▖ ▞▚▙▜ walking in already messed-up, seeing those shapes dance around you, and then ▖▙▝ ▛▗ falling into it all. You can't resist. And that's the allure, even though ▟▜▘▙▟ ▟▟▛ it still pulls you out of that bad day.
inside, inside, in front of the screen
You don't have to wait for your favorite one to open up, they're all the same because even if it's not the exact same ▝▛▛ ▟▞▚▖▘▖ ▞▚▙▜, your favorite ▛ ▘▟▜▘▙▟ ▟▟▛ can still be superimposed over it.
each time, more splendid, fantastic
It's always "the same window" and "the same poster on the wall" even though ▜▝▝▟▗▗ ▘▙▚▞▚▛ ▘▟▜▘▙▟ two people walk into the room and see a completely different spacial arrangement.
you're in your perfect paradise
Each time a ▝▛▚▞▖ ▜▝▝▟▗▗ ▘▙▚▞▟▟▛▝▛▛ or kaleido-room is used, the ▞▜▖ ▛▟▖▛▜▟ ▟▗▚▖ has to be ▛▟▖▛▜▟ ▟▗▛▟▖▛▜▟ ▟▗ sterilized again. Even when a person ▝▟▗▗ ▘▙▚ there are already so many passive holograms that they don't know what the actual room looks like.
Now, everyone's looking for some kind of "primer". There's this mythical guide that will tell them everything.
return to Goodbye Strangers