The first generation... falling into the world of the ▖▜▙▚▗ ▝ ▖▗ ▞▗ ▝ ▛▛▝ ▘▟▗ ▗ ▗ ▜▛▝ ▗ ▚▟▙▝ ▚▝ ▛▙▜▝ ▝ ▜▙▟▜▘▙▜▚▙▘▞▘▚▜▜▛▘▟▚▙▝ ▚▚ flickering screens, the early ▝ ▞▚▘▙▟▟▙▙▚▞▛▞▘▖▟▛▙▖▞▗ ▙▜▗ ▗ ▟▗ ▛▝ units, and the dazed planet coming to life after it had been struck against the forehead and the temple.
A visceral, striking ▙▛▜▞▙▞▟▜▛▖▜▗ ▖▗ ▘▜▞▙▙▛▘▞▙▗ ▛▚▝ ▟▚▘▘▟▟▗ ▚▙▘▗ ▙▙▛▚▜▟▝ ▝ ▞▖▛▙▟▜▙▟▜▚▟▞▛▟▝ ▘▘▙▗ ▟▙▘▙▛▝ ▛▝ ▖▙ using a lot of red, blue and yellow ▞▙▝ ▗ ▜▜▝ ▜▗ and bright pink, defaced ▞▜▘▜▛▖▖▖▙▚▙▚▟▖▜▟▛▛▙▜▞▙▘▟▟▘▚▛▖ artifacts. Due to your nature, this informs the artwork quite a lot.
The information leaks out surrounding the ▟▙▙▙▟▚▛▜▖▘▖▜▟▝ ▘▜▜▟▘▜▟▛▛▛▟▗ ▜▛▝ ▛▖▝ ▛▝ ▘▜▞▙▛▗ ▘▗ ▝ ▚▖▚▘▟▖▚▟▛▙▝ ▞▚▞▞▖▖▜▜▜▙▟▚▖▟▚▗ ▘▞▙▗ ▗ ▚▞▖▜▖ and the hells.
The only people who have access to them ▜▝ ▗ ▟▟▚▖▟▖▖▘ and for the average person, that would be a psychic. And people know that psychics can ▘▟▗ ▗ ▗ ▟▘▞▛▟▞ interface with machines in the same way that the ▞▟▛▖▝ ▜▜▜▞▟▛▖▜▛▜▙▟▚▜▜▞▖▗ ▞▚▝ ▙▛▗ ▛▗ ▜▘▖▝ ▛▟▟▖▟▙▙▚▛▗ ▜▜▖▗ ▟▗ ▞▟▚▛▛▞▚▜▛▝ ▖▖▗ ▘▜▟ drone units can power, or be amplified by machines. So, it's dangerous to be a psychic ▖▞▟▖▝ ▗ ▝ ▞▗ ▜▝ ▜▜▝ ▗ ▗ ▝ and this is a reality that people all have some awareness of.
Yet they're only really useful if you can sell them and unload them out onto something else. Who would want to house a psychic? Everyone would be out looking for you.
Culture changes... culture has changed.
▙▘▙▟▝ ▘▟▛▖▙▗ ▟▟▟▖▟▙▜▝ ▜▖▞▜▚▖▝ ▟▙▗ ▗ ▖▛▞▚▝ ▞▙▜▗ ▚▞▘▟▝ ▙▘▙▖▞▟▘▗ ▚▝ ▞▗ ▖▟▙▝ ▚▘▖▜▚▘▖▗ ▖▜▗ ▘▝ ▞▙▝ ▗ ▚▜▝
And so the reflection has changed to match.
Zebra jelly, axolotl chutney
Talk about "animal preserves"! – Here's what's on everyone's 'must buy' list this season ...
you're always thinking about it.
that's your money ... it's blowing away !!!
oops! no, no, those were supposed to pay for bills!! hey, what if we told you... you're allowed to take a really drastic measure?
By the time they are used to power the ▜▝▙ ▙▙▗▜▚▜ ▝▟▖▟▚▛ ▘▞▞▙▚ ▛▟▞▙ they neither sleep nor are they really awake. They form memories, but their overall state is one of a deep daze.
They cannot however be considered to be ▞▚▙▖▞▖▘▖▛▞▞▚▖ ▖▟▟▛▚▝ incapable of interaction.
You have already noticed that you are not like the others. ▟▚▟▘▞▗ ▟ ▚▝ ▛▖▛▖▘▛▝ ▝ ▞▚▗ ▘▛▙▝ ▚▖▝ ▛▚▘▚▙▘▖▖▗ ▗ ▗ ▝ ▝ ▟▛▞▜▚▝ ▜▛▜▛▞▟▞▗ ▞▝ ▚▜▜▟▞▞▙▗ ▜▝ ▙▟▟▚▚▝ ▞▛▝ ▖▞▛▚▙▛▘▛▘▞▗ ▗ ▟▖▖▙▞▖▝ ▛▖▗ ▖▘▛▜▜▙▛▙▝ ▞▘▗ ▘▜▘▗ ▞▝ ▖▛▟▚▞▝ ▞▘▗ ▛▜▗ ▜▝ ▗ ▝ ▗ ▘▖▞▙▚▗ ▙▗ ▚▜▖▙▘▘▚▘▛▞▚▚▖▞▙▖▛▞▙▗ ▗ ▗ ▞▖▘▟▞▙▟▖▚▝ ▗
▞▚▟▞▗ ▜▝ ▞▛▜▖▚▖▛▟▙▞▙▖▚▛▟▞▟▞▜▞▞▘▜▟▙▙▝ ▗ ▝ ▜▟▙▚▖▖▜▜▟▖▙▗ ▞▚▛▟▛▟▚▝ ▝ ▟▖▛▟▞▛▛▚▖▙▞▟▞▙▜▚▙▛▘▟▘▙▘▙▗ ▖▘▛▖▘▚▘▝ They may harm you. They may try to change you. They may have already done things to you that cannot be reversed.
And, they are not on your side.
a delight, a brand new part of your life...
The spectacular images grow more active with a larger crowd, with much of the city's population under the influence of at least a small amount of ▟▚▚▝ ▞▛▝ ▖▞▛▚▙▛ the toxic substance.
▜▙▗ ▛▗▗ ▘▗ ▟▝ ▜ ▘▛▜▗ ▗ ▞▚▙▖▞▖▘▖▛▞▞▚▖▖▟▟▛▚▝ ▜▟▞▞▗ ▝ ▝ ▚▟▘▟▗ ▝ ▛▘▛▛▗ ▘▞▙▟▗ ▘▞▗ ▘▟▖▚▗▗ ▙▚▖▘▜▘▘ ▜ ▘▛▜▗ ▗ ▞▚▙▖▞▖▘▖▛▞▞▚▖▖▟▟▛▚▝ ▜▟▞▞▗ ▝ ▝ ▚▟▘▟▗ ▝ ▛▘▛▛▗ ▘▞▙▟▗ ▘▞▗ ▘▟▖▚▗▗ ▙▚▖▘▜▘▘▝ ▞▖▞▜▛▞▟▘▙▝ ▞▖▞▜▛▞▟▘▙▝ ▗ ▙▘▛▖▞▗ ▛▗ ▝ ▚▜▝ ▗ ▝ ▝ ▝ ▝ ▜ ▝ ▛▙▖▜▘▝ ▘▟▗ ▞▞▛▝ ▛▘▛▖▘▖ ▝ ▟▛▘▙▛▚▘▙▞▞▗ ▘▙▘▖▞ and come up with all of these theories about how to get to them, but they can't figure it out.
Record approval for Material D mandate
Microscopic amount in water supply suppresses psychic abilities
does this help give you some ideas?
A psychic kept in a ▞▟▟▛ ▛▞▙▟▙▜ state for too long will experience a stress upon their ▜▟▞▞▗ ▝ ▝ ▚▟▘▟▗ ▝ system and brain. The psycholy salts will begin to drip from their tearducts when they cry... These are the drugs that can be powerful substances when imbibed.
return to Goodbye Strangers