Every new 1990s came in as its same old broken telescopic self.
And already ▛▙▗ ▗ ▗ ▗ ▝ ▞▛▘▗ ▚▚▛▟▙▛▘▚▟▗ ▝ ▝ ▗ ▟▛▚▗ ▛▗ ▘▞▚▛▟▚▞▛▜▟▞▚▛▗ ▗ ▗ ▚▗ ▜▚▙▘▖▘▞▘▛▟▞▙▟▙▞▝ ▟▞▜▝ ▖▟▛ catching flashes of the flood. Still remembering the break between worlds; and the bomb, breaking that wall.
Scientists discover spectacular new phenomenon
These new "drone units" and their by-products may even offer solutions to the impending ...
Corporate lobbyists, consumers rejoice as copyright laws extended indefinitely
Our favorite mouse remains out of the hands of greedy, entitled public domain "advocates" ...
▜▟▘▜▚▚▞▙▟▝ ▖▞▘▚▖▜▛▟▖▘▘▞▛▙▖▖▞▞▟▖▚▛▝ ▞▜▗ ▚▞▛▖▙▜▟▙▜▟▝ ▗ ▟▜▖▖▙▘▚▝ ▚▟▞▞▗ ▜▗ ▜▗ ▝ ▗ ▚▞▚▚▛▟▗ ▞▖▚▚▖▜▛ ▚▖▜▙▜▗ ▙▚▜▞▝ ▘▘▛▛▙▟▙▙▞▜▜▟▜▜▙▝ ▝ ▗ ▛▚▙▞▗ ▖▙▗ ▙▚▙▙▖▞▗ ▝ ▜▜▙▘▖▛▚▗ ▛▝ ▚▖▖▞▞▚▛▚▙▙▝ ▝ ▝ ▘▖▝ ▗ ▟▛▝ ▟▙▚▚▚▙▙▖▘▘▚▚▙▝ ▝ ▛▛▖▘▟▙▙
why wouldn't this be real?
oh no... they're corrupting their minds??
and they're saying your history is all made up? when your child is mocked for saluting the flag?? forced to be taught in "ebonics"? and ROBBED of their precious gender, indoctrinated into LGBT&A agenda ... you get the picture...
... find out how to support our patriotic coasters mousepads bumper stickers hoodies mugs travel mugs novelty flags NOW ¤° »¤¹q
Extinction banquet to celebrate another gourmet restaurant's grand opening
Whole hippo roast, giraffe tendon soup, and panda veal cutlet are just a few of the edible offerings at our capital's newest "say farewell with your mouth" ...
"Velveteen Killer" copycat criminal arrested after disembowling spree
But somehow, the murders have not stopped, and we don't ...
return to Goodbye Strangers