▝ ▙▞▚▙▚▞ ▙▝▗▘▙▖ ▞▘▞▝▚▜ ▘▛▘▛▙▘▙▖ ▞▘▞▝▚▜ ▘▛▘▛▝ ▜▖▝▝▜ ▘
The feeling that there is some ▛▞▛▞▞▛ ▛▛▛▘▞▜ and invariable "split" that occurs, that there is a way that the ▝▘▞ ▝▖▛▘▘▖ and so-called "sensitives" turn against each other once again.
▙▚ ▟▚▙▚▚▘ ▜▙▟▝▛▞ ▚▞▜▚▞▖ ▙▘▗▝▝▗
Kind, therapeutic ▟▜▗▚▖▗ ▟▞▟▝▘▗ ▞▖▗▚▖▗ ▙▜▖▚▛▙ ▜▞▙▘▗▛ ▖▟▚▖▖ to set up a support community. A support community emerges among all of the ▟▝▘▗ ▞▖▗▚▖▗ ▙▜▖▚▛▙ ▜ and makes them feel a connection with one another. ▝▘▗ ▞▖▗▚▚▛▙ ▜ a friendly person, well-liked. Then it went onto a more and more 'public' life, surrounding yourself with non-sensitives and becoming ▟▝▘▗ ▞▖▟▝▘▗ ▞▖▟▝▘▗ ▞▖▗▚▖▗ ▙ codependent in this way in order to ensure a life free of ▖▗ ▙▜▖▟▝▘▗ ▞▖▗▚▚▛▙ ▜ encounters following ▛▙ ▜▞▙▘▗▛ ▖▟▚ entirely defined as damaging event, trauma.