▞▝▞▚ ▝▘▗▙ ▘▜▟▛
▟▘▗ ▛▝▗▟ ▘▙▞▘ ▞▝▞▚ ▝▘▗▙ ▘▜▟▛
▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▙▛ ▞▞▘▖ ▟▜▘▛ ▚▘▟ ▟▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘
▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▗▟▙ ▜▖▜▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘
None of us have forgotten everything. And, we can never start over again.
▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞ ▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞
▝▘▚▗ ▗▚▛▝ ▙▖▟▖▘▜▞▘ ▞▚▛▘ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▗▘▘ ▛▞▘▗ ▗▜▜▟ ▙▗▞▘ ▙▜▛▗ ▘▚▟ ▝▞▖▗ ▗▖▙▘ ▚▞▙▞ ▝▟▙ ▙▞▖▝ ▚▛▚▘ ▛▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞ ▜▟ ▝▞▖▗ ▗▖▙▘ ▚▞▙▞ ▝▟▙ ▙▞▖▝ ▚▛▚▘ ▛▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞ ▜
All walls, ceilings, and floors are painted a highly saturated blue. All rooms are lit uniformly by no particular light source. And it becomes an annihilating void for thoughts which are not remembered. The images ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝▝▗▘ draw from these moments; indiscriminate in their source.
▙▞▖▝ ▚▛▚▘ ▛▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞▘ ▛▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞▘ ▛▞▟▟ ▘▙▞▞
▙▞▞ ▚▜▚▝ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘ ▜▖▜▝ ▝▗▘▖▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▝▗▘▖ ▜▗▟▙ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖
you're losing it...
second by second, there's less and less... it's going away, and you can't say why! ▝▗▘▖
▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▗▟▙ ▜▖▜
▙▜▝ ▜▞▚▟ ▙▝▞▙ ▘▝▚▟ oh, no ▙▞▖▝
▚▗▚▚ ▟▘▜▚ ▞▝▘▞ ▗▞▗▖ ▗▟▙ ▜▖▜▟ ▙▜▝ ▜▞▚▟ ▙▝▞▙ ▘▝▚▟▚▛▚▘ ▛▞▟▟
▙▝▞▙ ▘▝▚▟ and it's gone ▙▜▝ ▜▞▚▟
▜▝ because they found out ▘▜▞▘ ▞▚▛▘ ▚▝ ▜▞▚▟ ▙▝▞▙
▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜▚▝ ▝▗▘▖ ▜ ▘▙▞▞ ▜▗▟▙ ▜▖▜
▝▜▗ ▜▞▘▜ ▛▟▙▟ ▞▚▖▙ ▛▞▙▖ ▘▟▘▛ ▜▟▚▞ ▝▙▟▝ ▚▝▘▘ ▚▘▝▝ ▗▚▞▟
▟▞▘ ▛▜▛▞ ▝▖▖▖ ▝▘▛▜ ▜▞▘▝ ▝▚▚▛ ▙▞ ▚▞▛▝ ▟▗▖▛ ▚▘▙▚ ▗▙▚▗ ▙▜▝▞ ▙▜▗▜ ▜▙▚▜ ▘▘▗▘ ▜▞▝▞ ▜▖▛▞ ▚▘▝▟ ▛▛▟▚ ▞▖▗▘ ▛▘▘▝ ▗▘▟▗▛▗ ▟▛▜▛ ▜▘ ▛▖▞▖ ▗▖▟▚ ▟▜▞▖ ▞▗ ▝▝▟▙ ▙▚▛▖ ▘▟▖▛ ▚▗▘▜ ▗▙▘▘ ▛▛▙▜ ▝▛▚▘ ▚▗▙▟ ▙▛▝▜ ▚▘▘▝ ▛▘▗▙ ▙▖▘▗ ▝▟▛▜ ▗▝▗▛ ▜▙▜▖ ▗▗▞▛ ▚▝▙
▚▝▙ ▟▘▙▚ ▞▚▛▖ ▘▗▚▖ ▙▙▟▟ ▚▜▜ ▙▛▛▗
jarring abstraction
impossible measurements
▜▘ ▜▛▟▜ ▘▖▞▗ ▚▙▟▜
return to goodbye strangers