▜▘▞▝▖ ▘▟▚▟▞▛ ▜▝▞▞▘▙ ▝▞▝▞▜▞▝▖ ▘▟▚▟▞▛ ▜▝▞▞▖▚▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚▗▖▟ ▜▖▞▛ ▚▟▛▖▘▗
▞▝▖ ▘▟▚▟▞▛ ▜▝▞▞▖▚▞▞▖▚▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚▜▝▞▞▖▚▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚▜▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚▗▖▟ ▜▖▞▛▞▝▖ ▘▟▚▟▞▛ ▜▝▞▞▖▚▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚▗▖▟
▜▝▝▞▞▖▚▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚▜▝▞▞▖▚▚ ▙▟▜▞ ▚▜▚▞ ▚
▚▗▙ ▞▘▞▟ ▛▙▜▖ ▟▘▙▘ ▙▚ ▙▚▗▙ ▞▘▞▟ ▛▙▚▚▜▖ ▟▘▙▘ ▙▚ ▙▚▗▙ ▞▘▞▟ ▛▙▜▖ ▟▘▙▘ ▙▚ ▙
what if you couldn't cry out, or make a sound?
▚▝▗▚▗ ▘▛▟▟▖▞ ▝▞▟▚▜▛ ▖▞▛▜▗▘ they'd never ▜▘▟▞▜▟ ▞▟▞▗▜ ▝▚▗▟▝▟ ▝▝▛▘▟▜ find you ▛▗▘▗▙▜ ▙▛▛▜▜▙ ▞▞▙▟▚▞ ▘▖▖▚▘▗▟▙▛ ▘▟▜▙▟ ▘▜▞▝▚▘ ▖▚ ▞▝▜▝▛▚ ▝▚▜▘▖▘ ▟▖▙▜▝▜ ▝▚▟▞▗▜ ▝▚▗▟▚▙▚▚▘ ▜▙▟▝▛▞ ▚▞▜▚▞▖
▜▘▙▟ ▘▚▟▟▚▙ and you'd be gone ▟▚▙▚▚▘▚▜▗▛▙▚ ▜▙▟▝▛▞ ▚▞▜▚▞▖ ▙▘▗▝▝▗ ▖▝▟▗▚▙ ▞▚▟▜▖▙ ▙▝▟▖▖▛ forever ▜▞▝▚▙▝ ▛▚▛▙▝▞ ▙▗▛▚▗▟▙▛ ▘▟▜▙▟ ▘▜▞▝▚▘ ▖▚ ▞▝
▖▚▛▜▙▖▞▙▛ ▙▛▖▚▖▚▖▘▚▙▖▞▛▜▙▖▞ ▙▛▙▛▖▚▛▜▙▖
▘▘▚ ▝▟▘▖▙ ▟▝▛▞ ▚▛▘ ▚▘▚▖ ▟▙▝▘ ▜▞▜▘ ▜▚▛▘𐋌 ▙▛▖ ▟▘▖▙ ▟▝▛▞ ▚
a need to stay physically active. a high level of kinetic energy.
𐋌 a compulsion to incite emotional stress. an addiction to the subsequent high.
▙▛ ▙▛▖▚ ▛▜▙▖▞▛▜ ▙▖▞▙▛▙ ▛▖▚▖▚▖▘▚ ▙▛▙▛▖▚▛▜▙
▖▞ ▙▛▛ ▜▙▖▞▛▜▙▖▞ ▙▛▙▛▖▚▛▜▙▖▞▙▛ ▙▛▖▚▖▚▖▘▚ ▙▛ ▙▛▖▚▛ ▜▙▖▞ ▙▛▛▜▙ ▖▞▛▞▙▛▙ ▛▖▚▖▚▖▘▚ ▙▛▙▛▖▚▛▜▙
falling back into it, whenever you choose
You wonder if they still remember ▙▛▛ ▜▙▖▞▛▜▙ because you remember it like it was yesterday. ▛▛ ▜▙▖ when they were crushing you into the wooden panels; and every moan and every gasp echoing (stifled) in that chamber, door shut tightly, fingernails scratching desperately at plywood. you can remember it, but it's not enough. ▞▙▛ ▙▛▖▚▖▚▖ letting go and jerking you back around, pushing you back to eye level.
▛ ▜▙▖▞▛▜▙▖▞ ▙▛▙▛▖▚▛▜▙▖▞▖▞ ▙▛▙▛ ▙▛▖▚▖▛▙▛▖▚▛▜▙▚▖▘▚ ▙▛ ▙▛▖▚▛ ▜▙▖▞ ▙▛▛▜▙ ▖▞▛▞▙▛▙ ▛▖▚▖▚▖▘▚ ▙
return to goodbye strangers