▗▟▙▗▗▞ waiting ▘▛▚▟▜▖▙▞▝▛▝▛▖▞▙▘▗▙▚▝▚▙▚
▖▝▝▛▘▞▗▗▞ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▜▝▚▛▞ ▜▖▝▟▘▚▜▟▚▝▚ and missing you ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜▘ ▙▝▙▛▛▙▞▖▗▚ ▖▟▙▜▜ ▘▝▛▙▜ ▖▟▖▝▝▟▗▝▗ ▟▚▘▝▙▛▜▗▘ ▟▘▘▝▖▜▖▗▟▖ ▙▖▗▞▟▟▞▗▗▞ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▜▝▚▛▞ ▜▖▞▗▗▞ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▜▝▚▛▞ ▜▖
▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖
And all of this, just to say that I still think of you.
▟▞▜ ▞ and you will come back home and the house will be clean and your gaze will be pure and your heart will be true and your stomach will be bleached.
▝▚ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▝▚ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▝▚ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▛ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▖▛ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▜▝▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞▖▟▞▜ ▞▗▘▖ ▘▘▞
waiting, and missing you.