▙▝ ▛▝ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▝ ▛▝ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝▝ ▛▝▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙
▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▝▟▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▝▙▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟▖▚ ▗ ▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚▟▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗
▝ ▜▛ ▞▟ ▗▗ ▙▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝ ▗▜▘▙ ▛▚ ▞
▙▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟▖▚ ▗ ▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▝▟▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▝▟▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗
▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗ ▖▚ ▗ ▝▚ ▗ ▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▖▖▚ ▗ ▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▘
▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗ ▙▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚
▘▝ ▚▘▝▖▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗▝▖▖▚ ▗ ▝▖▖▚ ▗
However as time goes on, they become more and more adept at intersecting with our world through numerous proxy agents. They can't go directly from A to B and so this is why they need to hire their servants, which guide them into the ▛▜▞▛▛ ▟▚▖▝▝ ▖▙▟▚▞▘ ▞▖▘▚▞▟ ▟▝▞▖▞▘ necessary channels.
▙▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▝ ▛▝ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝▝ ▛▝
The nature of the structure itself makes it ▖▖▚ ▙▙▜▚▛▚ ▚▙▟ hard to communicate effectively. It's sort of like the experience of being a sensitive; there's a whole other level of inferences, encodings... and the like.
▜▞▗▝▖▜▜▞▗▝▖▜▙▜ ▗▝▖▜ ▜▜▞▗▝▖▜ ▜▜
▟▖▟ ▗▚▖▙ ▜▛▘▗ ▙▚▙▜ ▗▝▖▜ ▜▜▞▙ ▞▟ ▗▜
▙▜ ▗▝▖▜ ▜▜▞▗▝▖▜ ▜▜
▙▜ ▗▝▖▜ ▜▜▞▗▝▖▜ ▜▜
▘▙ ▛▚ ▞▝ ▜▛ ▞▟ ▗▗ ▙▚ ▝▖ ▘▝ ▚▘ ▝▟ ▟ ▘ ▙▝ ▛▝ ▗▜ ▚▛ ▗▛ ▜▘ ▙▙ ▛▜ ▛▞ ▚▙ ▙
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return to goodbye strangers