▛▞ ▞▘ ▝▙ ▗▚ ▟▜ ▞▟ ▗▘ ▙▘ ▘▛ ▟▗ ▜▛
▖ ▚▛▜▛ ▝▛▚▚ ▝▙▞▞▘▜▛▛ ▛▟▚▜ ▙▝▜▜ ▜▟▝▟ ▚▙▚▞ ▜▖▚▙ ▛▗▗▜ ▛▛▗▚ ▝▚▚▗ ▞▚▜▖ ▝▞▝▜ ▜▗▞▜ it's not right ▟▛▗▟ ▚▜▛▟ ▝▗▝ ▙▚▛▖ ▟▙▘▙ ▙▝▟▟ ▛▞ but you can't ▙ ▛▗▗▜ ▛ say why ▝▗▝ ▙▚▛▖ ▟▙
It's not strangling you. It's not strangling you. Its hands are reaching forward, but it's not strangling you. Your throat feels like there's only air on it, and in it; its palms are so large. But, it's not strangling you.
▖▙▞ ▚▛▖▝ ▜▚ and even made a habit of killing off some of the "victims" using a few chemicals that ▚▞ ▜▖▚▙ ▛ extracted from the "victim-killing" murderers themselves.
▛▜▘▚ ▙▞▘▝ ▝▟▚▟
▛ ▙▗▘ ▗▙▘▘ ▞▞▖▞ ▘▞▜▚ ▚▖▗▖ ▘▝▝▗ ▚▛▙▜ ▟▘▗▘ ▗▘▝▖ ▚▚▝▘ ▞▗▛▚ ▜▙▞▜ ▟▘▘▜ ▙▜▙▝ ▜▗▞▝ ▟▗▙▗ ▘▟▝▝ ▗▚▝▖ ▜
▛▚ ▝▘▟▙ ▝▖▗▜ ▝▞▜▟ ▟▗▙▗ ▚▝▟▞ ▗▘▜▜ ▞▗▘▟ ▞▗▙▜ ▚▟▖▙ ▗▖▛▘ ▞▙▘▚ ▟▙▙▜ ▚▛▟▙ ▚▞▜▟ ▜▘▟ ▝▘▛▜ ▟▝▜▟ ▛▝▙▞ ▟▖▙▞ ▚▛▖▝ ▜▚▜▜ ▞▖▖▛ ▜▙▛▖ ▘▖▞ ▚▝▝▞ ▛▙▖▘ ▗▘▝ ▝▙▝▛ ▚▟▛▟ ▚▚▝ ▜▞▞▘ ▗▚▝▙▗▝▘▘ ▘▟▙▞ ▝▜▖▚ ▗▜▞▖ ▘▚▚▝ ▙▘▖▘ ▛▝▗▛ ▟▙▖ ▛▖▞
▟▟▙▟ ▞▞▝▜ ▗▖▚ ▜▛▟▗ ▝▙▚ ▝ don't ▙▛▘▞ ▜▟▛▟▞ ▜▟▛▟▞ ▜▟▛▟▞
return to goodbye strangers