▖▚ ▞▚▟▚▟▚▟▚▟▚▟
just keep driving . . .
just keep driving, just keep driving, driving, just keep driving, just keep driving. just keep driving, just keep driving. driving. just keep driving.
just keep driving.
garbage. garbage? garbage. garbage? GARBAGE!! GARBAGE!!!
Vari sonru tizru ma cebru. Melzra lozza cloya.
Truvtzizucrevozu, selussomaraluvero. Ma evri mir ilu. Vari sonru oluru ma rojo. Rojo ci raju loju rijiti. 1,000 yedrido.
it's only morel.™
It's so thick, the way they breathe. Black tire candle smoke breathed out through cotton candy.
in case you're curious...
edgy, hardcore anxiety
psychedelic graffiti collages
and horny for no reason??
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▜▝▞▜▝▞▛▟▟▙▘▞▞▛ ▜▟▚▙ ▘▙▟▚▙▜▘▛▝▞▗▞▖▘ ▘▙▟▚▙ ▘▙▟▚▙ ▘▙ and garbage!!
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return to goodbye strangers