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▚▙ ▙▙▚▙ ▙▙▚▙ ▙▙
above: development material dating from 2015, featuring the first appearance of the cocalidroni, among others.
▜▚ ▙▘▚▟ ▞▖▝▞ ▚▚▙▗ ▝▜▖▖ ▘▛▞▘ ▞▛▜▖ ▝▞▟▟ ▝▟▙▜
▗▛ ▙▞ ▚▟ ▚ ▞▚ ▙▗ ▗▟ ▞▜ ▗▞ ▛▘ ▗ ▗▟ ▙▞ ▙▝ ▝ ▞ ▙ ▞ ▝▖ ▜ ▙▛▗▛ ▛▛▙▖ ▗▘▙▖ ▗▟▖▖ ▙▟▝ ▝▚▝ ▘▜▙▞ ▘▟▜▛ ▜▛▟▚ ▜▞▘▗ ▚▛▖▖ ▛▟▟▛ ▚▖▗▟ ▙▗▝▚ ▙▗▞▛ ▙▚▙▟ ▗▘▙▚ ▝▙▗▝ ▙▙▜▖ ▘▖▞▗ ▙▝▙▜ ▚▚▞▜ ▛▗▚▖ ▗▘▙▟ ▗▜▝▝ ▙▗▜ ▘▟ ▞▜▞▗ ▗▚▘▙ ▚▞▖▝ ▜▛▖▚ ▗▗▗▞ ▛▞▞▗ ▞▜▚▝ ▛▜▗▙
hmm, let's go! ▘▘▙▜ ▜▘▖▗ ▙▜▙▜▝
▙▝▞▙ ▝▛▝▘ ▘ and follow the ▜▖▟ ▗▝▘▘ ▗
▙▘ ▗▘▜▞ ▛▜▞ mesmerizing parade! ▟▝▖ ▝▟▛▟ ▚▜▖▖ ▜▘▚▜ ▘▝▜▞ ▞▜▞▜ ▜▙▛▟ ▗▖▜▗
The idea of ▟▝ ▙▜▚▚ ▟ slowly falling into a dream. By having things that are very familiar, and even establishing familiarity through some level of monotony and pattern. You can learn to read their ▟▝▛▞ ▛ ▚ text and details in a kind of ▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▟▘▜ flow state ... but there is a scale to it all.
▟▟ ▝▟▙▜ ▘▘▙▜ ▜▘▖▗ ▙▜▝
▗ ▜▘▙▙
▝▚▞▙▛ ▙▖▜▝ ▛▞▙▗ ▟▚ ▝▗▘▗ ▚▘▙▝ ▚▘▟▝ ▙▜▚▚ ▜▜▝ ▟▖▟▟ ▟▖▖▚ ▛▜▛▟ ▜▞▞▗ ▞▙▙▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▟▘▜▝ ▘▜▖ ▞▗▚▚ ▟▝▝▜ ▜▙▟▜ ▗▝▝▝ ▜▞▗▖ ▘▗▝▙ ▘▖▚▖ ▞▖▝▝ ▞▟▟ ▜▖▟▗ ▚▗▟▝ ▗▗▜▟ ▗▛▜ ▝▗▛▙ ▘▝▟▙▙▙▜▖ ▜▟▖▟ until they couldn't ▜▟ ▗ tell anyone
return to goodbye strangers