let me guess. ▙▚▙ ▚▟▘▙ ▘▟▝▞ again?
It's always different – no good each time.
▚▞ ▛▘▞▛ ▚▞▟▘ ▚▝▟ ▝▙▖▖ ▜▙▞▞ ▙▟▚▘ ▗▝▘▛ ▙▟▙▗ ▘▘▝ ▚▘▛▚ ▜▗▝▘ ▙▟▚▖ ▗▙▟▞ ▞▗▗ ▙▗▚ ▝▚▙▚▘▘ ▜▜ ▘▚
▜▟ ▟▞▞▙ ▘▚ ▝ ▛▘
▝▛▘ ▚▘▛▟▟▜ ▝▜▟▞ ▞▗▝▖ ▜▙▗▞ ▘▝▛▞ ▗▙▟▚ ▗▜▙▞ ▟▘▘▚ ▝▛▘ ▚▘▛▟▟▜ ▝▜▟▞ ▞▗▝▖ ▜▙▗▞ ▘▝▛▞ ▗▙▟
▞▙ ▘▚ ▝ ▛▘ ▜▟ ▟▞
it was only a billboard.
but that billboard wanted to help a child to make a choice, a healthy choice... imagine the crunch on your tongue, the salty nostalgia, that's an amazing flavor that you can enjoy, and buy it every time you shop, why don't they want your child to learn???
▛▛ ▜▜ ▜▘ ▗▙ ▜▜ ▙▗ ▘▝ ▗▛ ▛▝ ▗▙ ▙▖ ▞ ▜▙ ▘▟ ▘▝ ▟▟ ▗▖ ▟▟ ▙▝ ▘▜ ▝ ▝
▚ ▜▜ ▜▘ ▚▟ ▚▛ ▗▛ ▚▖ ▞▜ ▚▗ ▚▚ ▛▛ ▜▜ ▜▘ ▗▙ ▜▜ ▙▗ ▘▝ ▗▛ ▛▝ ▗▙ ▙▖ ▞ ▜▙ ▘▟ ▘▝ ▟▟ ▗▖ ▟▟ ▙▝ ▘▜ ▝ ▝▗ ▟ ▟▖ ▜▚ ▟▚ ▛▙
▞▙ ▘▟ ▝▚ ▝ ▘▛ ▞▜ ▟▟ ▝▘ ▙ ▜ ▘▚ ▘▟ ▛ ▛▟ ▟▜ ▜▞ ▗▚ ▟▟ ▟▚ ▛▘ ▞▖ ▝▗ ▜▛ ▘▜ ▙▜
you didn't get the cool lunch???
▚ ▟▚ ▛▙ really awful ▟ ▟▟ ▟▜▜ ▜▞ ▗ ▟▜ ▜▞ ▗▚ ▟ and they won't be your friend ▛ ▛
but it wasn't your fault... ▗ ▟ ▟▖ ▜ you wanted the cool one too!!!
▜ ▘▚ ▘▟ ▛ ▛▟ ▟▜ ▜▞ ▗▚ ▟▟ ▟▚ ▛▘
▝▝▝▝▝▝▛▗▜▙ ▘▛ ▘▝▝▝▚▚▗▜▙ ▚▚▟▞ ▘▝▝▝ ▛▗
▜▙ ▚▚▟▞▞ ▘▚▟▝ ▚▜▙▝ ▞▖▘▛ ▘▝▝▝▗▜▙ ▚▚▟▞ ▘▝▝▝ ▛▗▜▙ ▚▚▟▞▞ ▘
▙▝▞▘ ▘▝▛ ▜▝▚▝ ▜▚▗▝ ▘▗▝▗▚ ▘▛▛▖ ▛▝▗▙ ▜▜▞ ▚▝▝▝ ▜▜▗▗ ▞▞▚▘ ▚▝▖▖ ▝▛▗▝ ▞▘ ▜▜▜▝ ▞▝▛▘ ▙▞▖▛ ▛▘▖▘ ▚▗▖▚ ▛▞▙▙▗ ▛▗▜▙ ▚▚▟▞ you won't ▘▖▝▘ ▞▘▚▗▛▚ ▙▝▖▝ ▗▛▞▞ ▞▘▝▝ ▛▞▙▙ ▛▙▛ ▚▛▖ ▝▞ ▗▖▘▞▜ ▝▗▝ get ▜▛▗▝▟ ▚▖▖▛ ▟▖▝▖ ▛▘▝▟▛ ▝▙▗▘ ▝▖▟▙ ▟▚ ▜▟▜▜▗ ▙▝▘▙ ▚▙ ▘▟▘▚ ▝▝▞▚ ▚▖▜▞ ▞▜▟▝ ▘▜▝▜ ▞▖▝▜ ▜▜▝▙ ▝▘▚▗ ▗▚▛▝ ▙▖▟▖ ▟▚▟ ▛▗▜▙▟▜ ▗▚ ▟▘ ▜▖▙▞▝▚ ▝▞▞▘▜ ▗▙▘▖ ▞▟▚▚▗▘▟ what you're looking for ▙▝▟▛ ▞▝▘▞ ▘▚▟▝ ▚▜▙▝ ▞▖▘▛ ▘▙▟▖ ▟▙▟▜ ▗▚ ▟▚▚▗ ▜▘▙▘ ▞▛▟▞ ▝▛▙▙ ▙▗▜▘ ▜▜▚▙ ▜▟▗▘ ▗▗▗▙ ▚▗▝▜▜▗▚▞ ▝▙▞▖ ▛▙▞▙ ▞▗▚▚ ▟▖▖ ▜▞ ▗▗▜▚ ▙▛▛
did you want a different module?
retro advertising copy
crisp silhouettes, relaxing gradients
songs you might recognize
▚▞ ▘▞▛▖ ▙▜▝▗ mmmm, wrapped between plastic... and styrofoam...! ▙▜▝▗
it's delicious, and your teeth can begin to repair with our ▞ ▘▞▛▖ ▙▜▝▗ solution
return to goodbye strangers