During the course of their relationship, Adrian and Default experience a number of hyper-real, dreamlike events.Ϛ These incidents hinge upon their natures as a blank and a psychic, respectively. Because a psychic has a "split" thoughtform, and a blank has a halo-shaped thoughtform, they can act almost like a "tuning rod" for certain dimensional phenomena. One half of Default's thoughtform can be on either side of Adrian's, giving them a kind of polarity that is magnetic to each other, and either magnetic, or repelling in force.
You're together.
There's something shifting. The sky is tearing, when you look up.
There really are too many to count.
When your eyes scan the edges of the swirling rim, the clouds look like saw-teeth hungry for each other; you can feel the weight of the steady scrape, the silent grind so far away, and getting closer.
This very active and reactive resonance is responsible for the phenomena that they encounter during their part of the story; 'echoes' and 'rips' that only they can see.