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[ ▛▟▚▖/▚▘/▜▚ | 11:08PM ]
[ emotion | blah ]
[ music | stuff on the radio ]
well. we had our first big fight today.
I guess 'fight' sounds kinda weird to say cuz it wasn't like... an ARGUMENT, per se???? but like......... it got kind of emotional.
that's all I'm gonna say.
tagged: relationship dramaz kinda serious
Yeah, so. It only happened because I was weak.
...weak? You think that happens to people who are...weak? ...Fuck...!
The dissembler's expression from to shock, to anger, to sadness, with little wait in between.
And then, a long period of silence; tears are in both their eyes as Default reaches his hand forward.
Hey, I'm... sorry. that it happened, you know?
You think I'm weak?
No. Of course not...
I just like... didn't want you to know about that stuff... alright? Just, like... don't say that stuff about yourself, either, okay? Please...
Default says nothing; he crawls closer, and rests his head against Bracey's chest.
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