That was weird. Why be like that? You were acting weird.
Just stop licking it.
heyyyyyyyyy its me :)
can you give me the trap back???
omg stop SLEEPING
ok i'm up what do u want 8O
heyyy i need the trap back
it's sooo important
i'm kind of using it actually
omgggggggg argona how often do i ask you for ANYTHINGG
and you only have it because of me in the first place!??
like you weren't even going to stop the car!!!!!!
what do u need it for anyway
soooo i'm working on something really important
and there are a lotttt of distractions down here
look i just need it
hey bracey does this have anything to do with the one u made me lick the other day
because it didnt taste THAT good
lol okay first off i didn't MAKE you do anything
also second off IT TASTES SO GOOD wtf its LITERALLY EXACTLY like raspberry
wow lol so just stop licking it
or whatever ur doing, wink ;D
and do ur job or yknow ... whatever it is that u do
omgggggggggggggggggggggGGGGGGG WHY ARE YOU BEING THIS WAY
omg please give it back to me
im not sharing my stash w/ you again if this is how you're gonna be!!!!!!!!!!
jfc i have a fuckin life u know
check ur door
yeah yeah
its whatever
it feels astonishing...
wow, and you still want it?
how many licks?? :)
[ ▚▞▛▛/▟▝/▙▝ | 06:52AM ]
[ emotion | CRUSHED!!!! and horny sighh ]
[ music | Soft Moon- Black ]
soooooo today I've got some SAD news.
because Sweetheart is starting to show some of the first signs... its funny...I always forget how good it tastes!!!
CAN you believe, this was actually! the way that I met Yaschel? was when I bought it!! He was such a dork. EXCEPT that he was the one who gave me a copy of Prauzner's manual on Material D which was very helpful in finding out whether or not Olivia dosed me or not. (SHE TOTALLY DID BTW!!!!!)
oh btw the somasour: for anyone who is NOT a dissembler, it makes your skin start clenching up and wrinkling until it falls off your entire(???) body. No one's willing to test it out (except for Argona) (on someone else).
Can you believe his friend got in touch with me and tried to pay me money? to like... DO stuff with it? and tape it???? that guy was ALSO kind straaaaange. oh btw i would say Yaschel basically is blocked from my life too cuz all he's into is killing people and in a dangerous way like not even for science (or w/e Argona is doing). i tried to talk about noise music once and he immediately took it in a really misogynistic direction??? also he has one of those knock-off fridges. sooo he is NOT in my life anymore lol. I'd rather just get high and have fun :\ MUCH like I'm gonna do in... minutes!!! cuzzzz I'm still getting lots of good trips from my Sweetheart :) :)
tagged: CROWNS! fun in the dollhouse

You're getting closer, you know. And you can still taste it.
But you can't savor it... long enough to make it really last.
and, don't forget.