strangers zeroworld
We were there among the symphony chords strained from the screech of the subways. We were there but you never put your ear down to the tile, never once T H O U G H T that you could hear us radiating out this choir, coirizondrtious, on uno zelandris moro tel sul lavostro il mossazonde...!! You never thought was too late and you were drowning in the chime and swallowing every drop too.
dialog unlocked
  • "Sulo vul sondrivon tulivo el la vandro bol rabulosou cel covo banorivio sol vole vorivon!"
  • "Vuno olu ni, leru mora truva no, ira tatarilu curavu rivura no.
  • "Sezrutu poro ilrasi mora yaraluzu no...saturitu ti voraji ni ira mivarasutu ti morani ladronari polaro no. Leru, mivarasu, polaro ni sul voro, truva, tatari vusoro."
  • vomiting.