▙▘▗▝ ▜▙▛▗▘▙▛ ▜▝▝▛▙▛▙▘▗▜▝▛▘ ▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▜▙▜▙ ▜▙▜▝▜▛▙ ▗ ▝ ▙▜▛▙ ▜▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▜▙▜▙▜▙▜▙▜▘▗ ▝▜▙▛▘▝▜ ▗▛ ▘▜▝▗ ▛▘▝▜▙▛▗▘ ▝▜ ▙▛▝▜▗▘ ▛▙▝▜ ▗▘▛▙▝▜▗▘▙ ▙▜▙▜▙▜▙ ▜▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▜▙▜▝▜ ▗▘▛▙▜▝▛▗ ▘▝ ▜▙▛ ▗▘▝▙▛ ▗▘▝▜▙▛ ▝▜▗ ▘▛▙▝▙ ▜▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▜▙▜▙▜ ▙▜▙▜ ▜▗▘▛ ▙ ▝ ▜▗▘ ▛▙▝ ▜▘▗▛▝▜▙
▙▘ With your hands on your head /hɛd/, the room spills forth beneath you as you tumble-in. If you can't control your hands, your legs, you can't expect to follow-suit, and with a knee-against-floor and a bang of forehead onto blue aswell it's – your vision goes red and your teeth they chip. "Please!" It laughs without smiling or breaking its silence. "Please stay down!"