now now now 100% lowest values low.est fully ... destroyed 100%!!!
100% fully destroyed no value say, have you hear this new dirty NOW VALUED NO VALUE no value B E S T ... dirty values 100% direct thousands of tanzidroni tanzidreni tanzidro ni tanzi droni DESTROYED VALUES
oops! i didn't know anyone was watching... but now you're!!

oooh la la!! bring me home!
soooo i got my hands on this CUTE little stranger with a very theatrical past, and i decided to improve it with a few modifications that you will be very happy with!!
even though this strain has a rather NASTY reputation, you will find this lovely specimen to be a perfectly safe and has never been used :) :) :)
could YOU be the one to give this sweet stagehand her forever home!!? message me and lets help get your date night all set up!!!!
listed ▜▖▖▝/▛▞/▖▝ at 08:13PM
this stranger possesses a disposition.

men are gross,
and you're no exception...
accept it, you're a fetishist... we heard your boyfriend is trans, is it really fair? are you gay or straight? we'll help you find out... »¡ §A ¦nªº ´¤£ °ûN
neoridra ize zanavan xi maladrole m Ūladrole malad rella malad¹qronzy maladrovi mala malai ma.ladroni ¤Í ´N³³o maladrain s get high until you'll notice things you didnt know you were looking for