▛▗▞▜▜▝ ▜▖▚▘▜▜▟▟▚▝ ▚▚▙▜ did it to themselves ▚▟▟▚▚▗ ▘▛▘▜▟▜ more than you and I ever tried ▙▝ ▖▟▗ and when we found out they were ▟▗ ▛▜▙▝ ▖▟▗ ▚▜▙▜▝ ▚▜▞▛▛▚▖▛▗ ▙▘▙▙▟▖▞▖▗ ▗ ▗ ▖▚▜▛▗ ▝ ▟▞▗ ▞▝▗ ▞▘▙▟▗ ▞▟▘▗ ▙▗ unable to stop them while everything's coming into ▙▝ ▖▟▗ the rest of it and it is something that is killing you.
▜▖▘▚▜▗ ▞▝ ▘▗ ▛▗ ▙▛▘▙▜▘▝ ▗ ▜▖▗ ▘▜▟▚▖▛▞▟▛▝ ▞▖▙▛▞▝ ▛▜▞▟▝ ▛▗ ▟▜▜▖▝ ▘▗ ▟▝ ▞▗ ▛▚▙▛ a regret that shakes us and ▚▖▛▞▟▛▝ cannot find any other word ▗ ▟▞▞▛▙▗ ▞▙▖▞▘ than to simply to call it a regret. There is a gradual degradation ▚▛▛▚▝ ▞▚▜ and won't find a way out of it. ▛▜▞▟▝ ▛▜▞▟▝ of something else, a sign for what used to ▞▜▝ ▜▟▗ ▟▞▝ ▝ ▞ but no way to reach it. ▙▟▝ ▛▟▚▙▟▛ afraid of what it means and yet not afraid of ▛▝ ▞▖▙▛▞▝ ▛▜ ▜▖▗ ▘▜▟▚▖▛▞▟▛▝ ▞▖▙▛▞▝ ▛▜▞▟▝ ▛▗ ▟▜▜▖▞▟▝ The crinkle of dried leaves has become a sound that we do not recognize.
Sea dredges uncover planes, missile shells
Fishing industry reports no sign of edible life for the third consecutive year ...
Air pollution now forcing shoppers underground
With more and more areas of the country now permanently uninhabitable, retailers offer "big sales" in the refurbished ...
No wild animals remain
It's mathematically impossible for there to be any left, concludes someone that we want to ...
there's no other solution
imagine all the world, united in harmony.
that's a dream worth fighting for. but, it would be a lot easier without so many people, wouldn't it?
An earth where the sun gets closer and closer every day. The sky gets more and more red, and as this happens, people fall back more and more. They split off into tribes again. They start a new war, they all decide that they are going to play it. They die playing sticks and arrows in the sunset. The sun gets too close. And everything is fried, as the tanks and cities made of sticks catch fire.
▗▚ ▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▗
▟▝▛▚ ▜▛▚▝ ▘▛▖▘ ▝▚▛▟▝▛▚ ▜▛▚▝ ▘▛▖▘ ▝▚▛▖▘ ▝▚▛ ▗▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▗▚ ▟▚▖▛ ▘ ▟▝▛▚ ▜▛▚▝ ▘▛▖▘ ▝▚▛▞ ▗▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▗▚ ▟▚▖▛ ▘ ▟ ▗▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▗▚ ▟▚▖▛ ▘ ▟▝▛▚ ▜▛▚▝ ▘▛▖▘ ▝▚▛▞ ▗▗▞▛ ▟▖▟▘ ▟▛ ▘ ▟▝▛▚ ▜▛▚▝ ▘▛▚▝ ▘▛▖▘ ▝▚
What Bracey says to himself is, "I'm alone. I have a place where I can be powerful. I can be bad. I'm not really hurting anyone, and no one can hurt me. I can give into everything, everything feels good."
What Meaty Mouse says is, "I'm being so bad. No one can stop me. I'm the only one who can do this. I can do everything I want. I like how bad it is." Her motivations aren't to escape; they're to dominate.
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