Part of a new type of sci-fi, "hyperstylized". It was a frightening dream told from the aesthetics of early sci-fi, with that structure to it but only loosely; there was an impression of shock.
Food trough incident ends in massacre
It's back to the drawing board with mass hunger relief plans for our vulnerable ...
What occurred in ▟▙▖▞▙▗ ▝ ▘▜▗ ▛▖▝ ▜▟▗ ▝ ▝▙▘▟▞▞▟▚▙▟▛▝ ▚▟▟▜▝ ▚▖▚▜▚▞▛▛▘▟▟▚▗ ▘▝ ▛▖▞▗ ▙▟▙▝ ▜▞▜▗ ▘▗ ▘▟▝ ▜▞▘▞▝ ▘▝ ▛▝ ▖▞▙▛▚▟▖▙▙ and how were we meant to make peace with this gap in our memory?
"It must have been necessary," we were told (or, we told ourselves) "to create this gap in our knowledge. We have to do this to ensure...some level of..."
▘▟▟▚▟▖▝ ▗ ▟▝ ▞▜▗ ▞▟▛▜▚▜▗ ▞▜▙▞▙▝ ▝ ▝ ▟▚▚▞▟▙▜▟▙▞▖▙▜▗ ▖▙▞▙▖▝ ▖▗ ▝ ▖▘▝ ▟▜▛▝ ▛▗ ▟▟▞▜▜▟▜▗ ▞▜▛▗ ▚▗ ▗ ▘▖▘▚▛▚▟▞▞▚▖▛▞▗ ▙▟▛▘▞▝▞▛▟▟▚▗ ▟▗ we and can never finish the sentence, even though we still fell in love with the ▞▛▘▙▚▘▗ ▜▟▛▚▛▘▖▗ ▜▞ life imprisonment, the silent executions, and the consequences.
can you trust anything else?
"zoologists" can't get their stories straight!
snakes made out of boots ... wild dogs made out of coats ...
elephants with uncarved piano keys coming out of their faces ??? »
it's so easy to see through their lies.
there's no such thing as these fictional "animals"... made up by sourpuss artists, jealous they can't get a cut of the profit.
"Appalling" – first tourists allowed into former residential zones
"It's hard to believe we're looking at our old neighborhoods, or that these used to be people we knew."