but, what happens after the shock wears off?
▝▜▖▖ ▘▛▞▘ ▞▛▜▖ ▝▞▟▟ ▝▟▙▜ ▘▘▙▜ ▜▘▖▗ ▙▜▝▘ ▛▖▚▛ ▞▗▜▛ ▝▞▗▛ ▜▙▙▚ ▙▝▘▖ ▘▗▞▖ ▚▚▖ ▞▝▜▛ ▟▚▟▘ ▟▖▜▗ ▜▛▜▛ ▚▙▙ ▞▝▙▚ ▗▟▝ ▗▙▜▝ ▛▗▚▙ ▜▜▙▗ ▞▚▘▗ ▘▙▘▙ ▘▝▟▟ ▙▘▞▜
▘▘ ▘▞▛▞ ▚▟▖▝ ▗▛▟▚ ▜▗▛▞ ▙▙▗▚ ▛▜▜▘ ▛▟▞▚ ▙▖▝▝ ▚▖ ▚▙▟▚ ▟▜▖▝ ▝▚▛▙ ▛▙▟▛ ▜▙▝▞ ▞▘▝▖ ▞▟ ▙▖▛▞ ▚▚▙▝ ▛▟▛▝ ▞▝▘▙
It's not a disaster. There's nothing to see.
You can lose yourself in the spectacle.
▟ ▟▖▖▚ ▛▜▛▟ ▜▞▞▗ ▞▙▙▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▟▘▜▝ ▘▜▖ ▞▗▚▚ ▟▝▝▜ ▜▙▟▜ ▗▝▝▝ ▜▞▗▖ ▘▗▝▙ ▘▖▚▖ ▞▖▝▝ ▞▟▟ ▜▖▟▗ ▚▗▟▝ ▗
▜▚▚ ▜▜▝▗ ▜▘▙▙ ▟▖▟▟ ▟▖▖▚ ▛▜▛▟ ▜▞▞▗ ▞▙▙▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▟▘▜▝ ▘▜▖ ▞▗▚▚ ▟▝▝▜ ▜▙▟▜ ▗▝▝▝ ▜▞▗▖ ▘▗▝▙ ▘▖▚▖ ▞▖▝▝ ▞▟▟ ▜▖▟▗ ▚▗▟▝ ▗▗▜▟ ▗▛▜ ▝▗▛▙ ▘▝▟▙ ▗▞▟▗ ▚▚▚▙ ▙▙▜▖ ▜▟▝▖ ▝▟▛▟ ▚▜▖▖ ▜▘▚▜ ▘▝▜▞ ▞▜▞▜
you'll be left out ... no,
left out??
▜▝▟ ▜▝▟▚ not popular anymore ▛▛▟ ▛▟
▟▟▟ and left out of the group ▙ ▛▛ ▛▟ ▜▝
toys. fast, fun. you'd never want to put them in a sock.
▟▜ ▞▞▘▞▟▘▖▗ ▛▜▟▜ ▞▞▘▞ ▛▛▟
▙▙▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▙▙▛▜▛▟ ▜▞▞▗ ▞▙▙▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▟ ▟▖▖▚ ▛▜▛▟ ▜▞▞▗ ▞▙▙▟ ▙▞▟▛ ▚▝▛▞ ▟▘▜▝ ▘▜▖ ▞▗▚▚ ▟▝▝▜ ▜▙▟▜ ▗▝▝▝ ▜▞▗▖ ▘▗▝▙ ▘▖▚▖ ▞▖▝▝ ▞▟▟ ▜▖▟▗ ▚▗▟▝ ▗
return to
Goodbye Strangers